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Achieving Equitable Impact with Biomedical NLP: Needs for Translational Research

New advances are constantly made in biomedical and health natural language processing, but very few of these advances translate to measurable impact in medicine. When new AI and NLP methodologies are used in practice, they often magnify social biases or exhibit other undesirable behaviors. These failures of translation and AI-related injustices stem from a common source.

Virginia K. Saba: Nursing Informatics Visionary, Mentor, Trailblazer

Dr. Virginia K. Saba was an extremely, accomplished and multifaceted nurse informaticist. However, not all nurse informaticists, especially nurses just entering informatics practice, are aware the profound impact she had on the evolution of informatics. Many informatics nurses were fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and work with Dr. Saba over the years. This webinar shared some of the most notable accomplishments of Dr. Saba as a trailblazer, mentor, and preserver of nursing informatics history.