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Making connections that matter is what makes participation in a membership organization worth the time invested.  Informatics is a multidisciplinary interprofessional field with hundreds of specialized interest areas.

Becoming part of the AMIA community means finding access to people and opportunities you could never find in any other organization dedicated to making health and healthcare better.

Everything starts with AMIA Connect the online member community. It’s the first place to join a group and look for your birds-of-feather in the Membership Directory.

Online or in-person at AMIA meetings, there are dozens of opportunities to collaborate, share ideas, find mentors, create policy, present webinars, write white papers and volunteer for leadership within AMIA.

AMIA Connect

AMIA Connect is the online member community for networking, collaboration and sharing information.

AMIA Connect Communities includes, Working Groups, Discussion Forums, Communities of Practice, and Board/Committees/Task Forces.



Features of AMIA Connect

  • Member profiles
  • Member Directory with advanced search options (new!)
  • Individual network connection links to other members based on expertise and demographics (new!)
  • Discussion boards
  • Library files
  • Private messaging
  • Personal contact networks
  • Social media links


Working Groups

AMIA Working Groups serve as networks in which current members can exchange information on a particular area of special interest in biomedical and health informatics. Working Groups provide a way for members old and new to collaborate, meet new colleagues and become involved in the development of positions, issues, white papers, programs, and other activities that benefit the informatics community


Academic Forum

The Academic Forum is a membership unit within AMIA dedicated to serving the needs of biomedical and health informatics training programs. The Academic Forum comprises informatics professionals responsible for the leadership and excellence of informatics training programs. Members of the Academic Forum are engaged in issues relating to the organization and management of educational and research programs in universities and colleges.

Meet the Academic Forum Community




Clinical Informatics sits at the interface of innovation, research, and leadership. As a community, ACIF endeavors to provide all Clinical Informatics fellows with the necessary support and resources to cultivate success and leadership for all of its members within the AMIA community.


ACMI (the American College of Medical Informatics) is a college of elected fellows who have made significant and sustained contributions to the field of biomedical informatics.


FAMIA recognizes members who apply informatics skills and knowledge within their professional setting, who have demonstrated professional achievement and leadership, and who have a sustained commitment to the betterment of AMIA.


New Community!

Learning Health Systems Discussion Forum

The purpose of this new Discussion Forum is to help develop an LHS informatics community and approaches for informatics to meaningfully contribute to this transformative initiative.

Join the community