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AMIA’s goal is to improve the legislative and regulatory environment for health informatics research, practice and education through AMIA member expertise.  The primary pathway through which AMIA achieves this goal is by engaging Federal Agencies and Congress on public calls for input, such as Notices of Proposed Rulemakings (NPRMs) or Request for Information (RFIs).

Learn more about the comment process

AMIA responses are arranged by Federal Agency and Congressional Committee.

Showing 161 - 170 out of 198

AMIA Comments on Latest Version of NQF Quality Data Model

November 7, 2011

AMIA and its Nursing Informatics Working Group once again provided input to the National Quality Forum (NQF) during an open comment period to solicit input on NQF's Quality Data Model (QDM). In its comments, AMIA recognized the importance of having an information model that clearly defines concepts used in quality […]

AMIA Submits Comments to HHS on the Common Rule

October 25, 2011

This week AMIA submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in response to the a request for comments regarding Human Subject Research Protections: Enhancing Protections for Research Subjects and Reducing Burden, Delay, and Ambiguity for Investigators (aka "the Common Rule").

Click below to read AMIA's comments.

AMIA Comments on FDA Mobile Medical Apps Draft Guidance

October 19, 2011

AMIA recently issued comments in response to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft guidance on mobile medical applications. In the comments, AMIA president Ted Shortliffe noted, among other things, the need for additional clarification, definitions, terms, and terminology in the guidance. Click below to read AMIA's full comments.

AMIA Comments on CMS Proposed Rules for Accountable Care Organizations

June 6, 2011

AMIA submitted comments today on the proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the Medicare Shared Savings Program: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).

In the comments, AMIA president Ted Shortliffe asserts that ACOs, especially as enabled by the science of biomedical and health informatics and tools […]

AMIA Comments on NQF Quality Data Model

May 26, 2011

Today, AMIA and its Nursing Informatics Working Group provided input to National Quality Forum (NQF) during an open comment period to solicit input on NQF's Quality Data Model (QDM). The QDM provides a way to describe clinical concepts in a standardized format so that those monitoring clinical performance and outcomes […]

AMIA Identifies Areas to Strengthen Federal Health IT Strategic Plan

May 6, 2011

AMIA has weighed in on the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan in response to the HHS Office of the National Coordinator’s (ONC) call for comments on the overarching strategy for realizing health IT goals set forth by the U.S. Congress and the Administration. AMIA states in its comments to ONC […]

AMIA Comments on eMeasures, submitted to National Quality Forum (NQF)

April 1, 2011

Dear eMeasure Format Review Panel:

On behalf of AMIA (the American Medical Informatics Association), we are pleased to submit these comments to help inform your important discussions. AMIA is an unbiased, authoritative source within the informatics community and the healthcare industry. AMIA and its members are transforming health care through […]