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AMIA’s goal is to improve the legislative and regulatory environment for health informatics research, practice and education through AMIA member expertise.  The primary pathway through which AMIA achieves this goal is by engaging Federal Agencies and Congress on public calls for input, such as Notices of Proposed Rulemakings (NPRMs) or Request for Information (RFIs).

Learn more about the comment process

AMIA responses are arranged by Federal Agency and Congressional Committee.

Showing 121 - 130 out of 198

AMIA Response to ONC Request for Information on Interoperability Measurement

May 24, 2016

On May 23, 2016, AMIA submitted comments to the Office of the National Coordinator recommending they develop a patient-centric approach to measuring nationwide health IT interoperability.  As part of this recommendation, AMIA described a new methodology and approach to measuring interoperability that they said should be developed immediately.  AMIA also […]

Statement on the Improving Health Information Technology Act of 2015 Legislation

February 9, 2016

The following statement was released today by Douglas B. Fridsma, M.D., PhD., FACP, FACMI, President and CEO, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).

AMIA appreciates the work and bipartisanship demonstrated by Chairman Alexander, Ranking Member Murray and the entire HELP Committee in crafting the Improving Health Information Technology Act of 2015 […]

AMIA Letter in Support of NQF Health IT Safety Committee Draft Report

January 11, 2016

On January 11, 2016, AMIA submitted comments to the National Qualify Forum’s Health IT Safety Committee, supporting the framework and newly-developed domains to measure the safety and safe use of health IT.  Numerous AMIA members participated in this effort, and AMIA believes these measures should serve as a foundation for […]

AMIA Response to NCATS Request for Information Regarding its Strategic Planning Process

January 8, 2016

On January 8, 2016, AMIA submitted comments to the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) on priority areas the Center should consider when developing its strategic plan.  AMIA believes NCATS should focus on (1) developing ways to measure and convey how their programs impact patients and institutions; (2) defining […]

AMIA Response to CMS Stage 3 Open Comment Period

December 14, 2015

On December 14, AMIA submitted comments to CMS regarding the need to redesign Meaningful Use (MU) in the face of changing reimbursement models.  Specifically, AMIA asked regulators to change MU requirements to better align with programs required by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015.