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Reviews policies and procedures of AMIA programs to ensure that high ethical standards are maintained and recommends policies about conflicts of interest and types of conduct that should be discouraged, as well as procedures for discipline, if needed. 

The committee is also responsible for periodic review of the Code of Professional Ethical Conduct for AMIA to ensure the document reflects current practice and thinking of the Board.  

The committee also has a special COI panel that oversees AMIA’s conflict management process and serves as an intermediary between members, leaders, and the Board.  The panel serves to advise the Board on specific issues with ethical implications for members or leaders.  The panel will include five AMIA members selected by the chair of the Ethics Committee and one member will be appointed (by the Ethics Committee chair) as the panel chair.  The panel chair will serve as a member of the Ethics Committee (with vote) and the Ethics Committee chair will serve as an ex-officio member of the panel.  Panel members will be approved by the Board Chair for a 2-year term coinciding with AMIA’s bi-annual committee process.

Committee Members

Profile image for Kate Fultz Hollis, MS, MBI, FAMIA

Kate Fultz Hollis, MS, MBI, FAMIA

Oregon Health & Science University
Profile image for Benjamin Collins, MD

Benjamin Collins, MD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Profile image for Louise Corscadden, PhD

Louise Corscadden, PhD

Director of Science and Developement
Maze Engineers
Profile image for Kenneth Goodman, PhD

Kenneth Goodman, PhD

Professor & Director, Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Profile image for Diane Korngiebel, DPhil

Diane Korngiebel, DPhil

AI Ethicist
Google, LLC
Profile image for Bradley Malin, PhD

Bradley Malin, PhD

Accenture Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics, & Computer Science
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Profile image for John McGreevey, MD

John McGreevey, MD

Professor of Clinical Medicine/Associate CMIO
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Profile image for Carolyn Petersen, MS, MBI, FAMIA

Carolyn Petersen, MS, MBI, FAMIA

Assistant Professor
Mayo Clinic
Profile image for Ambar Rahman, MD

Ambar Rahman, MD

Medical Director, Vice-Chair
Department of Internal Medicine/Family Medicine/Psychiatry/Psychology/Rehab, Clovis Community Medical Center, CA
Profile image for Justin Starren, MD, PhD, FACMI

Justin Starren, MD, PhD, FACMI

Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics
University of Arizona
Profile image for Vignesh Subbian, PhD

Vignesh Subbian, PhD

Associate Professor
University of Arizona
Profile image for Tamara Winden, PhD, MBA, FAMIA, FHIMSS

Tamara Winden, PhD, MBA, FAMIA, FHIMSS

Founder & Principal
Winden Consulting, LLC


If you have a question or comment for the committee, please contact the Chair.

Contact Christoph