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The 2024 nomination process is now closed.

The AMIA Signature Awards program provides an opportunity for AMIA members at different stages of their career to be recognized for significant contributions or achievements in health and biomedical informatics. The AMIA Signature Awards Committee is responsible for the signature awards program eligibility, process, nominations, and selection of of awards including:

Additional AMIA Signature Awards under the jurisdiction of other committees include:

The AMIA Board of Directors is responsible for endorsing the selection of signature awards unless otherwise stated in the award selection materials.

Nomination Instructions

  • Review the nominating and eligibility requirements for the award to assure the nominee qualifies.
  • All nomination letters should be submitted annually as a single PDF file by a date to be determined in mid-July.
  • When multiple nominators are involved, we recommend that only one nomination letter is submitted, co-signed by all nominators. The committee encourages no more than five co-signatories.  Although large “petition”-type nominations utilizing multiple letters each with the maximum number of co-signatories are discouraged, multiple nominations letters are accepted when the different nominators do not know each other or have committed to the nomination without consulting the others. The number of letters received has no influence on committee decision.
  • Complete a new online nomination form for each candidate in the application software.
  • For the AMIA New Investigator Award, nominators should submit a personalized letter of recommendation describing the nominee's early informatics contributions and curriculum vitae in PDF file format.  The nominator(s) should include the first publication in a journal including the full title and PubMed URL demonstrating eligibility with a date less than 10 years from the year of the nomination.
  • For the Stead, Saba, Detmer, and Lindberg Awards, nominators should submit a personalized letter of recommendation for the candidate describing the nominee's key contributions in informatics based on the criteria for each award in PDF file format.