Grand challenges in medical informatics?
Author(s): Friede, A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95261906
Author(s): Friede, A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95261906
Develop a model for structured and encoded representation of medical information that supports human review, decision support applications, ad hoc queries, statistical analysis, and natural-language processing.
Author(s): Huff, S M, Rocha, R A, Bray, B E, Warner, H R, Haug, P J
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95261905
Author(s): Friedman, C P
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95202550
Evaluate the performance of a continuous-speech interface to a decision support system.
Author(s): Detmer, W M, Shiffman, S, Wyatt, J C, Friedman, C P, Lane, C D, Fagan, L M
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95202548
Develop a continuous-speech interface that allows flexible input of clinical findings into a medical diagnostic application.
Author(s): Shiffman, S, Detmer, W M, Lane, C D, Fagan, L M
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95202546
To investigate the issues raised in applying a preliminary version of the GALEN compositional concept reference (CORE) model to a series of radiographic reports, and to demonstrate that the same underlying concept model could be used in conjunction with both a detailed, fine-grained model of medical records based on that used in the PEN&PAD project and with other more conventional medical-record models.
Author(s): Rector, A L, Glowinski, A J, Nowlan, W A, Rossi-Mori, A
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95202545
Interactive laserdiscs are of limited value in large group learning situations due to the expense of establishing multiple workstations. The authors implemented an alternative to laserdisc video by using indexed digital video combined with an expert system. High-quality video was captured from a laserdisc player and combined with waveform audio into an audio-video-interleave (AVI) file format in the Microsoft Video-for-Windows environment (Microsoft Corp., Seattle, WA). With the use of an [...]
Author(s): Jao, C S, Hier, D B, Brint, S U
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1995.95202544
Development of a general natural-language processor that identifies clinical information in narrative reports and maps that information into a structured representation containing clinical terms.
Author(s): Friedman, C, Alderson, P O, Austin, J H, Cimino, J J, Johnson, S B
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1994.95236146
Author(s): Shortliffe, E H
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1994.95236139
Careful study of medical informatics research and library-resource projects is necessary to increase the productivity of the research and development enterprise. Medical informatics research projects can present unique problems with respect to evaluation. It is not always possible to adapt directly the evaluation methods that are commonly employed in the natural and social sciences. Problems in evaluating medical informatics projects may be overcome by formulating system development work in terms [...]
Author(s): Stead, W W, Haynes, R B, Fuller, S, Friedman, C P, Travis, L E, Beck, J R, Fenichel, C H, Chandrasekaran, B, Buchanan, B G, Abola, E E
DOI: 10.1136/jamia.1994.95236134