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AMIA’s goal is to improve the legislative and regulatory environment for health informatics research, practice and education through AMIA member expertise.  The primary pathway through which AMIA achieves this goal is by engaging Federal Agencies and Congress on public calls for input, such as Notices of Proposed Rulemakings (NPRMs) or Request for Information (RFIs).

Learn more about the comment process

AMIA responses are arranged by Federal Agency and Congressional Committee.

Showing 11 - 20 out of 198

AMIA Response to NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science 2023-2028 RFI

March 15, 2024

The National Institute of Health (NIH) issued a Request for Information (RFI) to solicit public comments on the updated NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science, 2023-2028. AMIA commented on the appropriateness of the goals and where the association and its members could potentially partner with NIH. 

AMIA Comments on AHRQ Documentation Burden Technical Brief

March 15, 2024

AMIA’s 25x5 Task Force nominated Documentation Burden as a topic to be briefed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in June 2022 to identify the need to better understand how co-production of documentation improvement efforts with patients and caregivers could be successful and to understand and develop […]

Department of Labor Response to AMIA's Occupational Code Assignment Application

December 11, 2023

This is the Department of Labor’s reply to our Occupational Code Assignment application for the “Clinical Informatics” occupation. This response was expected, given our ongoing discussion with DOL staff. AMIA looks forward to the Health Informatics Specialist’s code update in August 2024 and plans to continue pushing the DOL to […]

Developing Consent Language for Research Using Digital Health Technologies

December 11, 2023

See AMIA’s comments to NIH responding to their request for information (RFI) on developing consent language for research using digital health technologies. The comments were required to be submitted via a structured form. AMIA’s comments focused on consent language being being accessible, particularly for those not immersed in technology jargon.

25x5 Policy Reforms to Reduce Documentation Burden

October 20, 2023

It is 25x5’s stance that the below policy reforms are imperative to reducing onerous and redundant documentation burden, which is imperative to maintain the healthcare workforce and improve patient access to necessary medical care.

25x5 is a Task Force within the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) that works to reduce […]

25x5 Recommendations to Reform Prior Authorization

October 20, 2023

It is 25x5’s position that prior authorization must be eliminated to reduce the required onerous documentation needed to support it, maintain the healthcare workforce, and improve patient access to necessary medical care. Prior authorization (PA) is a process used by health insurance companies, including Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, requiring clinicians […]