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ACMI 2025 Retreat Call for Presenters

The Program Committee invites ACMI Fellows to submit a proposal abstract. Speakers will have up to 10 minutes to present followed by time for additional discussion with the audience. Presentations should be on one of the following topics: 1) Innovation in Research: Tools and Methods, 2) Education and Workforce Development, and 3) Communication and Community Engagement.

We will focus on the future of ACMI: exciting opportunities, new ideas, and moving our field forward!

The Program Committee will review all submissions and select a subset of them to be presented at the symposium. New fellows will also be invited to give a 5-minute introduction of themselves and/or their work presented on one slide. Slide template to follow.


Deadline: September 27, 2024

Submit a proposal


Submit a Proposal

Presenter information:

Title of presentation:

Presentation category:

Presentation category

Select one of the following categories for your talk:

Summary of presentation:

In a few sentences, summarize your proposed 10-minute talk and include its impact on the future of ACMI.

Audience takeaways:

Provide a couple of talking points for the audience (unanswered questions, ideas to discuss).