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The PI Working group is comprised of AMIA members who are interested in the intersection of informatics, technology and medication management.

It is our intention to initiate innovation and patient safety at the nexus of informatics, technology, and medication management for efficient, beneficial patient health care.

This includes all aspects of research, analytics, standard development and clinical practice in the medication use process, defined as:

  • Prescribing – using clinical decision support to facilitate rational ordering
  • Verifying & Dispensing (Perfecting) – interpreting, translating and perfecting medication orders, including using informatics and technology in the dispensing process
  • Administering – information flow and clinical decision support in the electronic medication administration process, including documentation and checking the “5 rights” (right patient, drug, dose, form, time)
  • Monitoring – relating to the use of ADE surveillance/prevention, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacovigilance and pharmacoeconomics to enhance patient outcomes
  • Educating – promoting professional and patient education


Profile image for Gabriela Mustata Wilson, PhD, MSc, FHIMSS, SNAI, FIAHSI

Gabriela Mustata Wilson, PhD, MSc, FHIMSS, SNAI, FIAHSI

Chair 2022-2023
Director, Dr. J. Robert Rivet Endowed Chair, Acadian Ambulance Service Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Health Informatics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Profile image for Khoa Nguyen, Pharm.D

Khoa Nguyen, Pharm.D

Chair Elect 2024
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Profile image for Brian LeBaron, PharmD

Brian LeBaron, PharmD

Member-at-Large 2024-2025
Compliance Data Manager
Department of Veterans Affairs


  • Performing: Working Group has high level of engagement and output (workshops, papers, webinars)
  • Networking: Working Group has internal and external networking opportunities for members (mentorship programs, social events, collaboration)
  • Developing: New Working Group or revitalizing efforts to grow membership (recruitment efforts, leadership)
Performing: 0%
Networking: 0%
Developing: 100%

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