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There is just one week remaining before the launch of a new and improved member-directed AMIA Connect. We’re excited to share this new platform and help foster even stronger connection, communication, and collaboration among AMIA members. 

Throughout this process, we sought direct feedback from our users – AMIA members. Over the past few months, we connected with members through several means, including an in-depth focus group, user testing during an AMIA meeting, a listening session, and behind-the-scenes testing with AMIA staff.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and requested the tools to build a stronger online community platform.

Key Dates

  • August 23 at 12 pm ET: Current platform goes offline.
  • August 23-27 the platform will be unavailable.
  • August 27 at 12 pm ET: New AMIA Connect launches.

The new AMIA Connect will launch on Tuesday, August 27, at 12 pm ET with the full capabilities of the existing platform plus many new features, including:

  •     Polls
  •     Open forum pilot
  •     Collaboration
  •     Community moderation
  •     Events
  •     Email attachments
  •     Messaging

AMIA Connect will be unavailable from Friday, August 23 at 12:00 pm ET through Tuesday, August 27 at 12 pm ET. All content will be available and searchable in the Resource Library. The structure of the folders for each group will be available early September.

Thank you for your patience. We are working diligently to achieve a seamless transition. You will receive another update before the current platform goes offline on Friday, August 23, at 12 pm ET.