Public Biography
Peter Haug works in the role of Medical Informaticist at Intermountain Healthcare. He is a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Utah. He has been active in research and postgraduate education for more than 40 years. His expertise lies in (1) the study of tools for natural language processing in medicine; (2) the evaluation of probabilistic decision support systems for use in the health care process; (3) the development of computer-based tools to deliver detailed medical protocols; and (4) various applications of data mining to assist in the development of innovative medical software. Previous experience includes the development of components of two different medical information systems. Recently his efforts have focused on the construction of environments designed to support applied Informatics research and to support the testing of innovative tools for implementing decision support in active clinical settings. His active research interests include natural language processing to extract clinical information from medical documents, sharable approaches to representing decision support logic, mathematical models of disease capable of informing clinical care, uses of ontologies in research and care, and secondary uses of data collected in the course of care.
Historic ACMI Biography
Peter Haug is the Director of Medical Informatics for the Urban Central Region, a three-hospital group of Intermountain Health Care. He is currently housed at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is also an Associate Professor of Medical Informatics at the University of Utah and serves as adjunct faculty for the School of Nursing Informatics Program. He received a BA in mathematics and MD degree from the University of Wisconsin. Subsequently, he completed a residency in internal medicine at the LDS Hospital and a fellowship in medical informatics at the University of Utah. Dr. Haug's principal interests lie in the areas of medical information systems, medical decision support, and natural language processing. During his career, he has contributed to the development of the HELP system, a pioneering hospital information system, and has worked for a number of years in the area of applied decision support. He has been a participant in the development of the Arden Syntax for representing medical logic, first during its formulation as a produce of the American Society for Testing and Materials and, subsequently, within the responsible Health Level 7 committees. He remains an active member of the HL7 committees seeking to extend Arden and is a participant in HL7 committees seeking to develop a standard for authoring and exchanged medical guidelines. In addition, Dr. Haug has integrated a research interest in statistical decision making into his natural language research. The result has been a novel NLP approach, featuring a semantic component based in Bayesian statistics. Dr. Haug continues to focus a large segment of his time and effort on training new informaticians. He directs the Health Information Systems track in the University of Utah's informatics program and has contributed to a number of informatics training efforts, including the National Library of Medicine's informatics course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, from 1992 through 1995.
The American College of Medical Informatics
ACMI is a college of elected Fellows from the U.S. and abroad who have made significant and sustained contributions to the field of medical informatics. It is the central body for a community of scholars and practitioners who are committed to advancing the informatics field.
Year Elected