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Public Biography
Dr Chen Liang received his Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Information Engineering and Master of Science in Psychology from Soochow University, PhD in Biomedical Informatics from University of Texas McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics. Dr Liang is an assistant professor at the University of Washington Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education. His research has centered on multi-modal health data integration, OMOP CDM, biomedical ontology, EHR-based deep phenotyping and data mining, and machine-learning-based clinical predictive models to be used for augmenting Clinical Decision Support, diagnosis, screening, comorbidity reasoning, prognosis prediction, and evidence-based intervention. From 2019 to 2022, he has severed as PI on 2 NIH funded grants (R21AI169139, R21AI170171) and Co-I on 6 federally funded grants. He is the recipient of the Big Data Health Science Fellowship from NIH/NIAID (R25AI164581). He has been appointed as the Data and Technology Advancement (DATA) National Service Scholar at NIH/NIDDK.


Fellows of AMIA (FAMIA)

FAMIA stands for “Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association” and it recognizes the contributions and professional accomplishments of AMIA members who apply informatics skills and knowledge to their practice – be that in a clinical setting, a public or population health capacity, or as a clinical researcher.

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