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Data is the foundation of everything we do in healthcare. It represents what we know about a patient, and when it's wrong or incomplete, our decisions can be impaired and good care can be compromised. In addition, when sharing data with other people or organizations we have to consider if what we are sharing is useful.

Charlie Harp, CEO of Clinical Architecture, discussed the spectrum of healthcare data quality, how it impacts the care we provide, and the critical decisions healthcare organizations make every day.

Watch the Recording


Questions Answered

The webinar presentation concluded with a question-and-answer session. To address additional questions that were asked during the presentation but not addressed in the time allotted for the webinar, Clinical Architecture published a blog with Charlie Harp’s answers.

Learning Objectives

  • What is the spectrum of data quality?
  • Is the data you are sharing with others useful?


Charlie Harp
Founder and CEO
Clinical Architecture

Charlie Harp is founder and CEO of Clinical Architecture, an industry-leading healthcare data quality solutions provider. Prior to founding Clinical Architecture, Charlie spent over 20 years as a healthcare software engineer and systems architect focused on creating tools to better utilize and understand data. Through this experience he saw a need within the healthcare industry for reliable, accurate and interoperable patient data to support clinical decision making, research and operational initiatives. Charlie led his team at Clinical Architecture to design and develop the first deterministic, configurable, and algorithm-based engine for automating semantic interoperability to answer this need.

Charlie frequently presents on healthcare data quality topics. He was a featured speaker at the HIMSS23 Interoperability Showcase Spotlight Theater. Charlie also serves as host for the Informonster podcast which provides insight and expertise on a variety of data quality topics and news.


Jaime Lira
Vice President, Marketing
Clinical Architecture
Dates and Times: -
Type: Webinar
Course Format(s): On Demand
Price: Free