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My Why - AMIA's Annual Symposium

Everyone has their reasons for attending the AMIA Annual Symposium. What’s your why?

Education. Camaraderie. Networking. Epic dance party. In these 30-second videos, five AMIA members talk about why they return each year to the largest gathering of informatics professionals. They each play an active role in Symposium and each attends for uniquely different reasons.

2024 Symposium Theme

2024 SPC Chair Hojjat Salmasian, MD, MPH, PhD talks about the programming focus on AI in biomedicine and informatics and why it matters.

San Francisco

SPC Vice Chair William Brown, III, PhD, DrPH, MA promises a healthy dose of fun in San Francisco throughout five days of learning and networking.

Diverse Voices

Nurse Planner Jenna Thate, PhD, RN, CNE shares how the symposium's diverse voices benefits career growth and patient care.

Building Connections

Student Working Group Chair Humayera Islam, PhD explains what keeps her coming back to the Annual Symposium - peers, friends, and mentors.


Board Member James Cimino, MD, FACMI, FACP, FAMIA, looks forward to reconnecting with colleagues each year at the Annual Symposium.


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