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Idaho State University’s Master of Science in Health Informatics (MSHI) degree is at the cutting edge of Health Informatics, an emergent field at the intersection of information, people and process within healthcare organizations. This degree will prepare students to enter this fascinating field with a breadth and depth of knowledge and skill necessary to excel as Health Informatics professionals.

The MSHI program mission is to provide potential and current healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds with knowledge and skill in health informatics foundational domains that is necessary to transform data into knowledge to enable healthcare providers and patients to make informed medical decisions, enhance health outcomes, advance medical research, empower patients and enrich society.

The MSHI degree is fully online, making it convenient for working adults. The MSHI students are required to complete 30 credits of core courses across three foundational domains including Health, Information Science & Technology, and Social & Behavioral Science. In addition, students are required to complete 9 credits in an area of specialization. ISU offers areas of specialization in clinical informatics, data science & analytics, consumer health informatics, population health informatics, rural health informatics, and clinical research informatics. Students may also complete an applied internship and a master’s thesis or an applied informatics project."

Velma L. Payne, PhD
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Pocatello | Meridian