Leap of Faith Technologies is a digital health informatics company that integrates existing and emerging technologies, high-impact content, and strategies for delivery to improve patient compliance and healthcare outcomes. We specialize in clinical and behavioral informatics, and technology-assisted solutions that enhance the healthcare experience. A range of technology based solutions have been developed to address needs in population health, occupational health, women’s health, child health, genomics, geriatrics, and telehealth. Our solutions integrate advances in natural language processing, clinical informatics, genomics, digital health, and other technology trends in user friendly platforms.
We are recognized for excellence in our user interface designs. Ongoing funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and over 25 years of R&D have gone into the development of Leap of Faith’s award-winning products. eMedonline®, the company’s patented drug telemonitoring product, was selected as one of the “World’s Best Technologies,” and the company received the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Tibbetts Award for its innovative healthcare solutions and outstanding performance in the NIH Small Business Innovation Research Program.